Top 10 Haunted Places in Atlantic City
Atlantic City was once a vibrant tourist destination during the 20th century but has since suffered as a result of the global financial crisis. Abandoned buildings and closed businesses are a haunting reminder of the glorious times of yesteryear.
It’s even alleged that actual ghosts walk the walls of these monuments to the city’s past. Here are 10 of the most haunted places in and around Atlantic City.
1. Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Atlantic City

The first place on this list will be more widely recognized as the former Trump Taj Mahal. It closed back on 16th October, 2016?but is set to re-open under the Hard Rock brand on 28th June, 2018.
The casino is infamously haunted by a number of spirits. One particular ghostly fiend that stalks the corridors of the hotel at night is believed to be that of a man who threw himself from the 10th floor of the building as he jumped to his grisly demise. Rumors of an orange-skinned, toupee-wearing, small-handed, and arrogant ghoul strutting the venue in the past remain unconfirmed. Maybe Atlantic City boasts more haunted casinos than Las Vegas?
2. Absecon Lighthouse

Not many haunted buildings match Absecon Lighthouse in terms of eeriness. Originally activated on 15th January, 1857, there’s a lot of history surrounding this lighthouse. The reason for its construction was the wrecking of the Powhattan that saw 311 passengers and crew perish.
It was de-activated as a navigational beacon back in 1933. However, the light is still operational every night. Witness accounts of paranormal activity have occurred since 1905. A former lighthouse keeper claimed to have seen the Jersey Devil at the top of the tower one night. The specter of a pipe-smoking sailor has also been seen gazing out to sea. Footsteps on the stairs and the entrance door opening and closing by its own means has also been witnessed.
3. Ocean City Mansion

It may very well appear to be an idyllic retreat for loved up couples that want a break away from their hectic everyday lives but the Ocean City Mansion has a reputation for being one of the most haunted bed and breakfasts in New Jersey.
Guests have frequently spoken of items being moved when they have been staying in the Honeymoon Suite. There have also been claims of sinister voices and footsteps being heard.
4. The Flanders Hotel

Affectionately known as “The Jewel of the Southern Jersey Shore”, The Flanders Hotel?is unsurprisingly a popular tourist destination. It was initially built in 1923 and earned its name from the World War I battlefield Flanders Fields in Belgium.
The spirit that haunts this hotel is called Emily. She has also been named “The White Lady”. Eye witnesses have seen her glide through the Hall of Mirrors. A portrait of her hangs on the wall of the hotel for those that wish to see how she looked when she was a living soul.
5. Winterwood Gift Shop

A gift shop is one of the last places you’d expect to see an apparition from the other world. The property was originally built as Hildreth House in 1772 by Joshua Hildreth.
The resident spirit comes in the form of a spinster who once lived in the property called Hestor. She passed away in 1949 but her spirit is believed to have chosen to stay in the house. There is even a plaque displayed on the door telling guests to be mindful of the ghost.
6. Washington Inn

Just a short drive down the coast from Atlantic City, the Washington Inn is a great place to stop by and grab some food. Undoubtedly, this has provided one of the creepiest pieces of evidence of a resident ghost. One guest at the inn took a photo of her daughter sitting at a table. When the picture was developed there appeared to be the image of a little girl sat next to the photographer’s daughter.
This girl is apparently the spirit of a girl called Elizabeth. Little is known about her but she does frequently call out the names of those that work behind the bar.
7. Surf City Hotel

The name of this hotel doesn’t really ignite fear or a sense of anxiety as other haunted places might do. In fact, you’d more likely bump into Keanu Reeves donning his beach wear than a ghost striking terror into guests judging by the name.
That said, the history behind this building is very grim indeed. It is claimed that bodies of the victims of the devastating Powhattan ship wreck were stored at the Surf City Hotel in the days following the tragedy. It is said to be those restless souls that lost their lives that night that haunt the hotel even to this day because the owner at the time, Edward Jennings, robbed valuables from the corpses as they lay in rest.
8. The Southern Mansion

If you were to think of names for intimidating ghosts then “Esther” might not be the first name that springs to mind. That’s reserved more for the old lady next-door who you only see when she puts her rubbish out.
Still, it’s Esther who patrols the halls of The Southern Mansion laughing in a menacing tone along with a soldier who has been seen storming through the walls.
9. Hotel Macomber

This is a classic haunting case with the alleged spirit being a former guest of the Hotel Macomber?that regularly visited.
The paranormal activity is more aggressive than in most places so visitors should be wary when stopping by. Loud banging, doors slamming shut, and items moving erratically around the rooms have been witnessed firsthand. The focus for most of the spooky goings on can be found in room number 10. Enter at your own risk!
10. Windward House

We end this list with a trouble-making spirit. The employees at Windward House refer to this spirit as an Irish girl called Bridgette. She has garnered a cheeky reputation for stealing the jewelry of guests before returning it sometime later. The Wicker Room on the third floor is where Bridgette is most active but she has robbed guests all across the property so visitors should remain vigilante at all times.