Jili49 slot withdrawal,GameHunters Jackpot Magic Slots.Recharge Every day and Get Bonus up-to 50%! https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/dennis-rodman-ex-agent-sues-mgm-grand-over-spiked-drink/ Latest Casino and Gaming News Tue, 17 Oct 2023 03:40:36 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4 By: Paul Jones https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/dennis-rodman-ex-agent-sues-mgm-grand-over-spiked-drink/#comment-340044 Tue, 17 Oct 2023 03:40:36 +0000 https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=294030#comment-340044 I am surprised this does not happen more often. In most circumstances it will be dam near impossible to know if someone put something in a drink. The bartender, wait staff, and whoever else handles drinks at a restaurant, casino, etc. may not even be the perpetrator. How many times have you noticed drinks sitting in a pick up station for a waitress with no one paying any attention to them…..one example of the access one could have to a drink.
I hope it works out for him, I guess in a casino the possibility of cameras being everywhere might solve the mystery. Having said that an individual is dedicated to what they are doing it is hard to prevent.
