Turnover requirement Casino Plus.Enjoy Free 888+200 Daily Legal Bonus https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/las-vegas-memorial-years-off-lvcva-and-mgm-resorts-roles-uncertain/ Latest Casino and Gaming News Thu, 20 Jun 2019 14:18:35 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4 By: Robert Patterson https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/las-vegas-memorial-years-off-lvcva-and-mgm-resorts-roles-uncertain/#comment-38213 Thu, 20 Jun 2019 14:18:35 +0000 https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=74321#comment-38213 Why wait so my kids forget who their mother was? That memorial should be a PRIORITY!
Lisa Patterson was left on that field with a bullet lodged in her heart and Vegas is worried about fun? SMH! Thanks for the compassion quite frankly it has been the WORST two years of my life and MGM should have fucking gave my wife and all the others the security they deserved and they also should have bothered to let the Clark County Fire Chief know there was a concert with 22,000 people so when they called him shortly after 10:00 and said route 91 he would have known what the hell it was! There were 7 cots and a handful of teenagers there as the First aid and “Emergency Plan” of course MGM is back to business. I have nor my three motherless children HAVE NEVER HEARD FROM MGM or MANDALAY BAY OR LIVE NATION and the hardwood flooring company Lisa and I built for 30 years is failing she had the business management degree. FYI HER ASHES ARE WAITING FOR THE MEMORIAL!
