Lucky time casino login.Claim Your Free 999 Pesos Bonus Today Latest Casino and Gaming News Sun, 07 Jun 2020 14:18:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry The Gambler Sun, 07 Jun 2020 14:18:50 +0000 My comment is directed towards Mike & Tom

By: Larry The Gambler Sun, 07 Jun 2020 14:17:50 +0000 Stfu and let the casinos reopen. The tribal casinos reopening was a joke. I went to San Diego (I will not call the casino out) but as far as the news it looked good. Spacing & long lines. I mean on the inside you would get tackled if not wearing a mask but you can smoke at the slots freely. Their website mentioned no smoking. Also I only play card games. Its gone be like 3_4 people at a 6-8 seat table.

By: OMG Thu, 28 May 2020 14:30:35 +0000 To Be Safe:
Go live in a bubble until the end of July.

By: Mike Thu, 28 May 2020 06:57:55 +0000 I agree the Los Angeles card rooms must stay closed until end of July, they have too much risky business. Besides there money laundering.

By: Tom Thu, 28 May 2020 06:55:48 +0000 Mike, you are correct. The Tribal casinos can open because they have slots and unlike the card rooms that have dirty chips and dirty cards that are constantly being handled by thousands daily. Keith Sharp is a snake who plays both sides. He works for the Tribal and the card rooms. All must be careful of him.

By: Be Safe Wed, 27 May 2020 14:39:39 +0000 Stay closed till the end of July

By: Mike Tue, 26 May 2020 21:06:14 +0000 The tribal casinos are not currently offering poker, so the comparison is inaccurate. As far as table games go, the LA casinos were side stepping the law and changes were being implemented to correct that when the shutdown started. It’s unfortunate that the loss of revenue is hurting cities, but they knew the casinos were blurring the lines with regards to state gaming regulations. Not to mention the willful and complicit violations of federal money laundering laws.
