Azure Front Door custom domain validation Pending.Enjoy Free 888+200 Daily Legal Bonus Latest Casino and Gaming News Wed, 17 Jun 2020 19:23:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Gander Wed, 17 Jun 2020 19:23:31 +0000 I saw this so I figure I put my 2 cents in.Sorry to all and no disrespect to anyone.The bottom line and the truth is your going to get Covid-19 and survive it or you will not its pretty much that simple.I am no way ready to depart this earth at 38 yrs old. and leave my family behind.Yeah New Jersey sucks and I have no clue how anyone can retire in this corrupt state.If all the Political leaders would stop getting involved with political corruption, and just do their jobs.It’s the some story over and over greed, nepotism, ignorance. Like NJ really had to raise the Turnpike and Parkway tolls.during a major pandemic.So here are some Why questions I have,why do we have toll roads,why are property taxes so high,why are beaches not free,Explain as to why NJ has has 566 Mayors, over 3,000 Council Members, 137 Free Holders, 80 Assembly Members, 40 State Senators, 580 Police Chiefs, 537 Municipal Courts, 681 School Superintendents,5,000 Board members and 1 State Attorney General & 587 Assistant Attorney Generals.I am sorry for venting maybe we all need to get out.Who knows a few dollars in those slots machines may help us all…..PEACE

By: Phyllis Principe Sat, 13 Jun 2020 15:04:47 +0000 Dear Gov. Murphy I am a senior citizen I Have been going to AC. Since 1985 it’s something I enjoy something I miss we have followed all your instructions since MARCH Many casinos have opened already so it’s time for our Atlantic City Casino’s to reopen If any doesn’t wish to go then don’t stay home but for those who want to go to Casinos will go for enjoy ment we deserve it so before we are not here to open CASINOS ppp

By: Gary benjamin Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:25:16 +0000 That cummunist ass Murphy could care less if the casinos open. What a piece of shit this nothing but a game to him he still gets paid from tge tax payers whether people go back to work or not he made the state btoke

By: Kelli Brown Mon, 08 Jun 2020 12:32:49 +0000 As a casino employee, your lack of consideration for the health of employees is disturbing! What has changed pertaining to the virus? No cure, no vaccination, only social distancing. You point out reasons the casinos are unfit to open. But, in the same breath talk about money being loss. ALL MONEY AIN’T GOOD MONEY! Anyone who values money over life is pathetic. Furthermore, gambling brings the worse out of adults. How can you have fun in a unsafe environment. People who are willing to risk it all including their life. For two months worth of revenue. These casinos will have people risk their life just to lay-off in September. Gambling is a addiction and your talking like a drug dealer. No regard for life, just money, sad.

By: Sebastian Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:39:09 +0000 NOT SAFE AT ALL to reopen casinos when there are still many cases of people with the virus and people dying from the pandemic …!


By: Michael Vo Fri, 05 Jun 2020 17:40:21 +0000 New Jersey governor is an incompetent idiot. You can have thousands of protesters in an enclosed area but you cant open a casino in an environment you can control. Las Vegas had a plan in place they are open. Indian casinos had a plan in place they are open. This governor has made promises he cant keep now hes going to kill a city

By: Donna Fri, 05 Jun 2020 12:29:12 +0000 AC Casinos after closing had no spike in cases nor had large number of COVID 19 cases. The clientele were mostly New Yorkers due to our close proximity and because their state locked down before NJ. Where is the data to keep AC closed down.
