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Latest Casino and Gaming NewsWed, 07 Jul 2021 08:12:44 +0000
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By: Lou
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 20:47:03 +0000https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=163944#comment-60520I am totally against this. Our great city does not need this. Also, I do not think it is right that the Covington community and Mandeville community would get to vote on what happens in the Slidell community. Mandeville and Covington would surely not be happy if Slidell helped vote in a casino in their community.
Sat, 13 Mar 2021 17:30:48 +0000https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=163944#comment-60041Don’t know anyone working for a casino complaining about the pay. Gamblers are going to gamble, be it locally or in MS.
By: Ryan
Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:32:07 +0000https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=163944#comment-59192This is an awesome idea! I hope it comes about. Creating jobs, economic impact, and a cool place to hang out.
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 02:32:31 +0000https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=163944#comment-59057My concern is are the new jobs good paying more than minimum wage a living wage that would let us work local and not have to drive to New Orleans
And what about security extra LEO for the extra traffic .
By: Jenell
Sun, 14 Feb 2021 18:30:18 +0000https://www.abouttanzanitejewelry.com/news/?p=163944#comment-59045This is a terrible idea. Gambling only brings misery. Don’t believe the lies about new jobs and infrastructure being repaired or built. The jobs will not be jobs with good pay. We have enough of those here in Slidell already. Where do you think the money will come from for the infrastructure they are promising? From those who are too poor to gamble but will anyway. Shame on you for thinking this was the best you could do for Slidell!!! Don’t get blinded by the promises. They are empty promises.