Atwood 91059 replacement tank.Claim Your Free 999 Pesos Bonus Today Latest Casino and Gaming News Tue, 31 Dec 2019 06:31:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: S E W Tue, 31 Dec 2019 06:31:14 +0000 Just set up rules that are equivalent to Mississippi or Vegas as a rule and things will be fine. If every Sports Book would be like Vegas, the average bettor would be in Betting Heaven.

The States will make more money than they ever imagined from Casinos. New States to Sports Betting or Parlay type bets are just trying to screw up what could be great to their State by bickering over new ideas on how to squeeze more money out of the new “Windfall of Money” for their State.

If Tennessee would be exactly like Vegas, Tennessee would be the hottest Casino destination on the East Coast. …… But … lawmakers in Tennessee will screw this up as they usually do. Think about it Tennessee, what person in their right mind would want to go to a New Jersey Casino to Sports Bet or to have a good time on a Vacation????

Personally, if I could only bet online, and my winnings would be taxed at some ridiculous rate, I would physically go to Mississippi or Vegas to bet. Sports betting would be over in Tennessee before it started if this is what the Tennessee Betting Commission is considering.

I don’t see a problem with a 5 team parlay bet becoming a 4 team parlay win if one of the legs of the bet is a push. That is normal.
