  • 6��659��906��095
  • 25
  • high
  • 50 - Champion


Checkuity and checkquidity
are virtually unknown
concepts in the poker world

see thru frog
can't bluff now
strong as a horse
sharp as a plow


4/3/23 100/200k Equity Realization.

https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/989322101 , https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/988772430 , https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/986490590 , https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/986507115

Think about Your opponent.
And act accordingly.
Get in THEIR heads.

Passion, Purpose, Pursuit! https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/986490590
Playing with the big boys , #863690535 .
Several hours later.... #892492721
��.. and then, #967113247

7/8/22: Joined the 4 Billies club.
7/21/23: Returned to 4 Billies club after a long downswing.

Battles aren��t won by quitting!!!!
(Although running away often works.)

Strangers are simply someone you��ve not yet met.

Humans are like horses�� remora.

It��s all in God��s hands; we can only do what He empowers us to.

A drop of Truth can sterilize a well of lies.

Patience = Wisdom ?

You��re still someone you haven��t yet become...

Someone else can write the novel,
I��m gonna live the life!

Burnt corn
Not tasty
My corn chips are gone

hear we grow...
clear lines are harder to see.

chip 'n a chair,
bet and a prayer;
that's where you��re at,
when you got nuttin' left.

ne1 can win wit winning cardz...
... i like too win da udda wayz... }

if hunger + anger = hangry,
then does coffee + anger = cangry,
or beer + anger = bangry?

the underground don't start on top of the hill.

gotta fight to survive; https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/663867790
don't just lay down #710504085
do it!

Poker, at it's highest levels, is like politics;
perception management is paramount.

Still learning; knwer, knwoing, known...

The toughest challenge, was on my way out the door;
it's happened to you, twice or once before.

7/7/19 - Hit da billi club ; but i felt it ahead of time.
9/20/2020 - Hit da 2 billy club.
7/2/21 - Cracked da triple billy club.

vision + effort + persistence = success

i'm just here
to conquer fear!
and drink beer
and i'm all outta beer

do u bluff as much
as i think u do?

1 man's obv
is another's

when sum1 tells me
they're a liar
i believe them

haiku musical
just music
and motion
not a word
was spoken

Owed to KK https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/748573068
ohh KKs...
how we h8 thee
in our pockets
woe onto those w/ KKs
woe onto those with kings...
{ ...other than our true Lord & Savior; Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, our creator. }

Jugger Nauticals; 3 5 city: { P-town special } #511300345 ;
#510766099 , ##510431853 ; #507999725 ; #508004273 ; #508256334 ; #544923795 ;

Come play with me. ##707280659 ;
#636228661 ; #510228297 ; #458904469 ; #458914429 ; #459243797 ; #460722016 ; #460991228 ; #461473311 ; #462516621 ; #462520230 ; #462521282 ; #462527225 ; #462819781 ; #463297610 ; #463531153 ; #463531775 ; #464249016 ; #465135143 ; #468713261 ; #475595377 ; #477584276 ; #484227459 ; #485726863 ; #485740604 ; #485959578 ; #485961610 ; #487082051 ; #488672489 ; #488674476 ; #489652241 ; #489889365 ; #491063331 ; #492100513 ; #500747482 ; #500762845 ; #536021823 ;
C'est la poquerre.

Add this to your database and smoke it. }

If RP allowed for a third name change, i'm thinking of UnderHanded, or Chippopotamus.

Shortest poem ever


Lions don't
have to roar
all the time.

Those who are hungry
don't get fat.
And live longer,
{ statistcally speaking }
not that i ever speak statistically
i'm usually more on the sarcastic bent.

howe can i
get a tell
of off
what u type?

an ole haiku
beer me
gr8 amp
grape ape

My newest haiku
When badgers attack
it is often best
to run and hide

i got the knife..
you got the gun..
c'mon ya'll, let's hav a little fun..
i'm a gamblin man.

Slow played and paid.

G14Classified: I feel like I'm all out of whack... probably am
Adumbrated: if you are, how wud u know?
AJ10K: genius
Adumbrated: but if you're not, you would }

What's up...?
...a relative term describing things of differing height.

me either
rose fast
fell faster
my truest haiku

brb = "beer release break"
brp = "beer release program" "{ or burp }
slightly different mechanism

btw, y do we say 2 pair?
isn't a pair always 2?

last 1 here
on flat earth }
i win it all !!! }}}
give me ur chipz

like uh chyken
friggin mcnuggetz
AI takeover

i like to play well...
... i like to win
but, i don't always plat well...
...and i don't always win.
so, ther's that.

I'll share if u care.
If u dont', I'm sorry. {

Truth is not always easy,
but it's always good.

Gotta go thru hard timez.
To get to better timez.
Every time. }

I'll just sit here,
and have a beer.
Without fear,
and with good cheer.

Don't fear
the schmearper.

Sorry buddy,
if u we'rent hangin out near da edge,
u mite not uh fallin ob=ver it. {

How can you find...
...what you're not looking 4?

Looking to switch it up?
May i recommend...
...drunken' monkey style.
But beware,
it's a stuff tyle to master.

Last time i flipped...
... i flopped.

I ain't here to play.
Oh wait,...; yes i am.

alt u '19

Can't be who you're not.
Can't not be who you are.
Choose wisely.

Go low pro yo.
Da mo yo know.

When you know that you know that you know.

i ain't hiding in da shadows no mo!!!

HNY ev1!!! New knewn year's joke (2019):
I may look '19, but i still feel '18.

Expect the unexpected.
ABC 4 u 4 me.
That's all i needed.
Until u repeated it.

My policy; to only offend those that choose to be.

But what does he really think I think he thinks I think he thinks I think?

Truth spreads faster than wild fire.
When the conditions are righteous.
Unlike rumors, which itching ears burn to hear.

Go into the world and do good.
Love each other.
And praise God for all you have.

Sumtimez da phisherman,
uddahs da fish...

ich trinke flussigkeit deutsche;

If u won't give me a chance.
I'm not gonna to take one.

God blessed me with the gift of words and now i willl find my kine.
(You too? & What will you do?)

They think they're bad.
But we're bad.
In a good way. }

"Playing poker with satan, the Christless joker." {Short story below. Dedicated to my friend MoneySatan.}

The morning after Christmas, 2018, I sat down to play poker with satan. He bluffs a lot, is diabolically clever, and loves to set traps. But most people already know that about him. What they don��t know is that he has some severe weaknesses, which can be used against him. Things he knows about himself, but denies. The greatest liars lie first to themselves. And lie in wait, to take advantage of the innocent. But I��m not innocent. I��m a thief, liar, and deceiver; just like him. Or, at least, I was��; but now, I have an edge.

As you might have guessed, the stakes were high; taller than the firmament itself. We��d played before of course, and he often got the best of me. Taking advantage of my fear and lack of confidence, he caught me in my moments of weakness. But isn��t that what he & his kind do naturally? Although I knew that he knew that I knew that he knew what my weaknesses were, I had a hard time preventing him from using them against me.

But since we��d last played, I'd met a great teacher. When i was down and out, on my last dollar, almost without hope; God provided wisdom via his word. i was taught to have humility, and be grateful for all that he had already blessed me with. He said not to be fearful, or uncertain as to the blessings he wished to provide for me. He told me to go forth boldly, and trust that his teaching would be sufficient. So, I did.

(Publishing began 12/29/18, work unfinished...}

"Pop's new haiku" (published 12-29-18)

a new haiku
banter slow roll

pops had enuff

Ode To Da Joker {published 12-29-18}

u cant undo it
u cant re do it

and ther's no mo bluffin

Owede To God {published 12-29-18)

i built the wall
God cast his shadow on the wall
and by His light

showed me He was there

Magic {published 12-29-18}

There is magic in words;
smell, taste, perception, emotion, ideas, . .

A single word, what can it do?;

break your heart,
make your day,
change your life.

There is magic in children,
To them it is new,
it is exciting,
it is an adventure,
it is what it is,

to them it is magic.

NOW!, what you gonna dew?

I'm just yappin.'
It happens.

As author Douglas Adams famously said:
"So long, and thanks for all the fish."
Dolphins have never had to fear whales.
So long and thanks for all the fish!

Ring Game Hands

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Endorsements Rank: 1

Reward good play and behavior

Poker Pro
Good Sport
Helping Hand

Latest Achievements (69)

���� 65 ��Ծ��