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  • 50 - Champion


Now, retired, I have been a journalist, photographer and graphic designer, My experience includes time in France, Germany and Italy. My hobbies include reading, sailing, and kayaking.
Since this has come up recently, I want to make it clear that I am not in the market for romance. I was born in 1952, my wife in 1953, After living together for many years the 1980s, we married in May 1991.
Several years ago, she suffered a heart attack and two strokes, which forced her to retire from her position as an assistant public defender, Her mind is still sharp but her body remains weak. She needs help with many things. So I retired to become her sole caretaker.
I love my wife more than life itself, so I could not bring myself to break her heart.
I hope we can still be friends.
By the way, my icon is a Florida bobcat. For you Canadians, a bobcat is a wildcat related to the lynx.
When a bobcat moves from the scrubland to The Everglades to live, it is called a rivercat, This is because The Everglades is technically a very, very wide river flowing from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, And this why Native Americans called the Glades ... The River of Grass. The rivercat must contend with gators and invasive pythons so it is considered tougher and more wily than the scrubcat.

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