“Civil War” Scams Vegas Fans With Deceptive Poster
We are a huge fan of A.I. images, and use them frequently in this blog, especially when we’re bored.
A new film, however, has shown the perils of using A.I. irresponsibly.
“Civil War” used A.I. to generate “posters” for the film, but none of the scenes depicted (including one featuring Las Vegas in ruins) are in the movie. In other words, the producers are straight-up committing fraud.

Our issue with the images promoting “Civil War” isn’t that they’re A.I. It’s that they mislead audiences.
If you use an image of a pulverized Las Vegas, a pulverized Las Vegas had better damn well be in the movie.
Las Vegas has taken some hits in movies before, and seeing our town wrecked is a hoot. Godzilla brought the pain in 2014.

“Army of the Dead” wasn’t a particularly good movie, but it did a fine job of depicting Las Vegas in the hands of hordes of the undead.

As far as we can tell, “Civil War” is a great concept, poorly executed. We sort of wanted to see it, but now, we’re just mad.
The use of A.I. posters to promote “Civil War” has blown up in the face of the production company, A24 Films.
Folks in the film community are up-in-arms about the indiscriminate use of A.I., and Hollywood unions recently went on strike over the issue.
One might argue that any buzz is good buzz, but we believe that argument falls into the category of malarkey. Or, as our fellow youths say, crapalini.
Using an image of Las Vegas to promote a movie that has no scenes in Las Vegas is false advertising. These images aren’t “thought provoking,” they’re a shameful bait-and-switch.
The producers of “Civil War” can make it up to us by setting the sequel in Las Vegas. We would be happy to appear in the film, as long as our rider is fulfilled to the letter, including the removal of all green gummy bears from craft services.
Yes, we know all the moviemaking jargon, as we served as a production assistant on a Hollywood blockbuster back in 1992. We are mostly not making this up.
Anyway, “Civil War,” nobody likes a tease. Ruin Vegas or do not, there is no try. Or something.
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