Charge buffalo jili free download,Fish jelly mould diy.Recharge Every day and Get Bonus up-to 50%! Essential Las Vegas News, Tips, Deals and WTF. Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:40:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenny E. Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:40:03 +0000 Hope you win a jackpot and can enjoy a fancy penthouse in Vegas. That would be hilarious if you hit it big via a California lottery ticket rather than a casino jackpot. And I hope you and Melissa had a nice Valentine’s Day.

By: Timothy Fri, 17 Feb 2023 19:21:23 +0000 This is what I’m going to send to the gentlemen for this bill. You have to give the casino’s something.
I’m glad you’re trying to do things that the PEOPLE of Nevada want. We know that the Casino’s are the ones holding this up. So make it palatable for them. We have to think outside the box on this. Here’s my idea of a proposal to them:

1) Only casino’s will have lottery machines. This way they can’t argue that retailers are taking some of their business. Casino’s will get MORE foot traffic because it will bring in traffic that perhaps doesn’t frequent casino’s. And with the machines being limited to only them that would make it a little easier hopefully.

2) This one hurts, but give them a cut of the sales. Sometimes you gotta feed the Devil his due. What percentage can be debated later. It will be an uproar from a lot of sides, but some money from lottery is better than what we have now.

Bottom line, we have to have the Casino’s on board with this, I think this is a step in the right direction to at least get them thinking. WE the people want this.

By: MrBuzzKill Fri, 17 Feb 2023 18:48:18 +0000 Ok, weird opinion follows: A Nevada lottery wouldn’t put the State government in competition with its casinos. Nevada doesn’t even allow casinos to create lotteries. It calls that “racketeering”, except of course when governments do it. Lotteries are simply a state tax on a financial dream that only the state is allowed to sell you. (To keep it “honest and fair”, as only politicians can.) They fix the price of the tickets statewide which is only legal if the government does it. Nevada really needs to become the first state to privatize the lottery biz. Let its casinos create their own lottery games and sell those tickets at attractive rates statewide. Those 1 in 350M odds will loosen like magic, and we’ll have people driving into Nevada to buy tickets. We redefined gambling in the US, and we can redefine lotteries, too. They don’t have to be just for churches and government.

By: William Wingo Fri, 17 Feb 2023 18:47:41 +0000 Alabama has no lottery, and also has some rather primitive liquor laws, both largely due to the enduring legacy of George Wallace. They do have, or at least once had, horse and dog racing. But in these days of automobiles, any state with a lottery will rake in the bucks from any nearby state without one. When New Hampshire introduced its lottery in 1964–the first in the U.S. since the early 1900’s–most of its customers were from Massachusetts and New York. Lottery stores on the Florida State line still make millions from Alabamians; Idaho does the same for Utah; and as you point out, the lottery store at Primm is the busiest in the California system. That’s why most state governments have managed to suspend their moral principles (no doubt with varying degrees of difficulty) and jumped on the bandwagon: “…if people are going to do it anyway, then why should that other state get the money?” Nevada is a special case with its constitutional prohibition dating from the prudish period of the Civil War. Hawaii and Alaska don’t border any other states, so the state governments’ problem isn’t quite so acute; and the state residents are just out of luck. And Utah goes without saying…. I’ll close with a quote from the “Mad Genius of Poker,” Mike Caro: “Lotteries are a voluntary tax on people who don’t understand probability.”
